Save 40-60% versus US costs

Nearshore teamsin US time Zones

We specialize in recruiting highly skilled candidates to join your team so you can focus on your business goals.

Professional headshots of Jose, Next.js Developer, and Daniel, Marketing Specialist, smiling. Text overlay: '100% Exclusively for Your Project' and 'Unifying passion and purpose globally for streamlined solutions and improved lives'. Avvy nearshore staffing agency team members.

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A Modern Approach to Nearshore Talent Solutions

Empower your business with a scalable and secure approach to accessing top-tier nearshore talent.

Unbeatable Benefits for Your Business

Cost Efficiency

Achieve significant savings on development costs while maintaining high quality standards.

Time Zone Alignment

Overlap in working hours increases real-time collaboration and productivity.

Cultural Affinity

Shared cultural and business values foster better communication and understanding.


Easily scale your team size up or down based on project requirements and timelines.

Access to Talented Professionals

Tap into a diverse pool of skilled professionals without the geographical constraints.

Reduced Administrative Burden

Nearshore partners handle the administrative overhead, allowing you to focus on core business activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located at?

Our company is based in Houston, TX. Our Offices are located in Barranquilla, Colombia, which is 2hrs and 50 minutes flight distance away from Miami, FL.

How much should I expect to save?

Expect to save 40-60% costs versus an average onshore member. Use our savings calculator to get an estimate.

How long does your process take?

We match you with 3 candidates in the first 48hrs. After you select your favorite candidate, we will have them ready to start in an average of 2 weeks.

Is my Avvy candidate dedicated to my company?

Your candidate is 100% assigned and dedicated to your company.

How long is the minimum contract?

3 months is the minimum contract, after that just let us know 1 month in advance of your concluding date to relocate our Avvies into a different account.

What if the candidate doesn't meet my expectations?

We will match you with new candidates without any extra fee.