The Avvy Process

Avvy Proccess

We make sure all our candidates are the best of the best and that they match your company culture, values and technologies. Also, we work closely with them to provide performance feedback to make sure they have everything they need to be the best at what they do. We do this by following the process below:

Phase 1:

  • Discovery Call: We get to know your company, your culture, your team and your needs. We also discuss the technologies you use and the ones you want to use. We then create a profile of the ideal candidate for your team.
  • Screen: We screen the candidates that we have in our database to find a match with your company. Learn more about our vetting process here.
  • Select: We select the best candidates for your company and send you their profiles.
  • Onboard: After you've met the candidate that you want to hire, we handle all the Onboarding, HR, Payroll, and Benefits. So you can focus on what matters most, your business.

Phase 2:

  1. After you've hired a candidate, we continue to support you and your team. We make sure that the candidate is a good fit for your team and that they are meeting your expectations.
  2. Motivation: We make sure that the candidate is motivated and happy to work with you.
  3. Improvement: We make sure that the candidate is improving their skills and learning new technologies.
  4. Performance Follow Up: We make sure that the candidate is performing well and meeting your expectations.

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